
This blog is a short summary of the lectures and activities conducted in the module ITX1000, which was updated throughout this academic year. It was important to do so as it is reference material for the final coursework in this module.

Week 22


The theme talked about on this week is Futurology. It implies anticipating the future in light of present patterns. Futurology is an essential point since knowing the future can be a business favourable position and we can anticipate when an innovation will get to be out of date.

We watched two recordings on how advances have moved. Here’s the connections

  • Shift happens
  • Shift happens in Education


These recordings brought a light on how fast advances have moved and how people must stay forward with current tech.

We discovered a few measurements concerning some mainstream advancements:

  1. Cell telephones user – 2 billion
  2. Facebook-1550 million
  3. Twitter-320 million


We then discussed Moore’s Law. It expresses that handling power copies at regular intervals. Additional preparing force implies more centers (processors on the chip), quicker speeds, speedier correspondence on and between the chips. Applying this law, any processing gadget turns out to be moderate following 3 years. We additionally checked whether certain advancements will get to be regular thing in our home.


We were solicited to characterize sure from these advancements:

  • Quantum Computing – Quantum figuring is the range of study concentrated on creating PC innovation taking into account the standards of quantum hypothesis, which clarifies the nature and conduct of vitality and matter on the quantum (nuclear and subatomic) level. Quantum hypothesis is the hypothetical premise of cutting edge material science that clarifies the nature and conduct of matter and vitality on the nuclear and subatomic level. The nature and conduct of matter and vitality at that level is once in a while alluded to as quantum material science and quantum mechanics.
  • Light Based Processors –Optical or light based figuring utilizes photons delivered by lasers or diodes for calculation. For quite a long time, photons have guaranteed to permit a higher data transmission than the electrons utilized as a part of traditional PCs.
  • Nanotechnology-Nano science and nanotechnology are the study and use of to a great degree little things and can be utilized over the various science fields, for example, science, science, material science, materials science, and designing.
  • DNA based Computing-DNA processing, the performing of calculations utilizing natural particles, as opposed to customary silicon chips.


We then discussed pervasive figuring and advancements utilized as a part of it. We discussed how businesses are blurring because of new innovations.We likewise discussed green figuring and ways we can decrease our carbon impressions.


Week 21

What is recommender systems?

As per Xiao and Benbasat(2007), Recommender Systems are programming specialists that evoke the hobbies and inclinations of individual shoppers .On the landing page of Amazon.com, there are proposal of different articles that you may like, the site is prescribing you different things in light of your buys or what different clients likewise enjoyed.

The Recommender Systems has two fundamental methodologies:

  •  Community Filtering
  • Content-based


Community Filtering implies giving proposal in light of the earlier client conduct.This kind of methodology is extremely well known and it is utilized by vast e-business sites. It is likewise a demonstrated strategy as it has been demonstrated that clients who preferred the same things before, will have the same hobbies later on.There are some disservices with shared separating like icy start– insufficient clients officially, famous predisposition can’t prescribe to somebody with special tastes.Second approach is Content-based separating. Its suggestion depends on the substance of things the client likes, not on different clients.Its focal points is no requirement for different clients, along these lines wiping out the issue of cool begin.However, it likewise has its disservices, the substance must be encoded as significant elements and it can’t misuse the quality judgement of different clients.

So how does content-based sifting functions?

Suppose a client likes to peruse fictions stories and give high appraising on other comparable stories, so in view of his history, we can prescribe these sorts of stories.


Week 20

In this week we concealed on Machine Learning, Concept and choice tree learning, Classification Algorithm, State Space Search, Breath First Search and Depth First Search

Machine Learning:

Machine learning is a sort of counterfeit consciousness that furnishes PCs with the capacity to learn without being expressly modified.Idea learning frameworks are a type of choice trees which empower us to take care of troublesome issues of significance.A choice tree is a graphical representation of conceivable answers for a choice in view of certain conditions. It’s known as a choice tree since it begins with a solitary box (or root), which then branches off into various arrangements, much the same as a tree.

Most regular zones that these are utilized :

  • Equipment or medical diagnosis
  • Credit risk analysis
  • Modelling calendar scheduling preferences


Numerous issues in Artificial Intelligence take structure in of state-space look.The state space is the arrangement of conditions of the issue we can get to by applying administrators to a condition of the issue to get another state.

Profundity First Search (DFS) looks more profound into the issue space. Broadness first inquiry dependably creates successor of the most profound unexpanded hub. It utilizes last-as a part of first-out stack for keeping the unexpanded hubs. All the more regularly, profundity first pursuit is executed recursively, with the recursion stack assuming the position of an unequivocal hub stack.



1.If the underlying state is an objective state, quit and return achievement.

2.Otherwise, circle until achievement or disappointment is flagged.

  • Generate a state, say E, and let it be the successor of the underlying state. In the event that there is no successor, signal disappointment.
  •  Call Depth-First Search with E as the underlying state.
  •  If achievement is returned, signal achievement. Generally proceed in this circle.



The upside of profundity first Search is that memory prerequisite is just direct concerning the hunt diagram. This is interestingly with expansiveness first pursuit which requires more space. The reason is that the calculation just needs to store a heap of hubs on the way from the root to the present hub. Subsequently for all intents and purposes profundity first pursuit is time-restricted as opposed to space-constrained.



depth first search.png


The detriment of Depth-First Search is that there is a probability that it might go down the furthest left way until the end of time. Indeed, even a limited diagram can produce a vast tree. One answer for this issue is to force a cut-off profundity on the pursuit. In spite of the fact that the perfect cut-off is the arrangement profundity  and this quality is seldom known ahead of time of really taking care of the issue. On the off chance that the picked cut-off profundity is not as much as , the calculation will neglect to discover an answer, while if the cut-off profundity is more prominent than d, a substantial cost is paid in execution time, and the primary arrangement found may not be an ideal one.

Profundity First Search is not ensured to discover the arrangement.

What’s more, there is no surety to locate a negligible arrangement, if more than one arrangement exists.Expansiveness First Search (BFS) looks broadness insightful in the issue space. Broadness First hunt resemble crossing a tree where every hub is a state which may a be a potential contender for arrangement.



Make a variable called NODE-LIST and set it to the underlying state.Circle until the objective state is found or NODE-LIST is vacant.Expel the primary component, say E, from the NODE-LIST. On the off chance that NODE-LIST was vacant then quit.For every way that every tenet can coordinate the state depicted in E do:


  •  Apply the principle to create another state.
  •  If the new state is the objective state, quit and give back this state.
  •  Otherwise add this state to the end of NODE-LIST

Since it never creates a hub in the tree until every one of the hubs at shallower levels have been produced, broadness first search always finds a briefest way to an objective. Since every hub can be created in steady time, the measure of time utilized by Breadth first hunt is corresponding to the quantity of hubs produced, which is a component of the stretching variable b and the arrangement.


Broadness first inquiry will never get caught investigating the futile way until the end of time.In the event that there is an answer, BFS will discover it out.In the event that there is more than one arrangement then BFS can locate the insignificant one that requires less number of steps.


The primary downside of Breadth first hunt is its memory necessity. Since every level of the tree must be spared with a specific end goal to produce the following level, and the measure of memory is relative to the quantity of hubs put away, the space many-sided quality of BFS is O(bd). Thus, BFS is seriously space-bound by and by so will debilitate the memory accessible on regular PCs in a matter of minutes.In the event that the arrangement is more distant far from the root, breath first hunt will devour parcel of time.

Breadth fS.gif



Week 19


Today’s point address was about Media and Marketing. Media is characterized as any type of television data. It incorporates daily papers, magazines, TV, radio, bulletins, post office based mail, phone, fax, and web.

At that point we talked about the span of the Web and the meaning of website page which is any record written in HTML and which is gotten to through the web.Media education can be characterized as the aptitude of dissecting, making media. It intends to have a superior comprehension of messages that we get from TV, radio and web. Presently there’s computerized proficiency which intends to comprehend and make substance that can be put on the web.At that point we talked about the aptitudes that we should had to be an advanced proficient:

Functional skills

  • Creativity
  • Critical thinking and evaluation
  • Cultural and social understanding
  • Collaboration
  • The ability to find and select information
  • Effective communication
  • E-safety

Next part of the address was about how little is the rate of individuals having online aptitudes in Britain and how the quantity of organizations having online nearness is little. At that point we examined about web hole, how kids have no web access but then their instruction framework anticipates that them will do as such.Next, we examined what the site Amazon.com is about and what was its procedure plan to wind up one of the real site. Here’s the action we did in class about what we comprehended Amazon.com was:

Activity 1

We found out about promoting arrangement and how to utilize online networking to build our clients and make our items open to a bigger group of onlookers. We found out about Web Marketing and how to streamline our site to pull in clients.We talked about Search motor improvement (SEO) which is the procedure of influencing the perceivably of a site or a website page in an internet searcher’s unpaid results.

We also talked about various sorts of promoting:

  • Viral Marketing-Passing data about your items for one web client to another
  • Guerrilla Marketing-publicizing through graffiti, sticker besieging, streak crowds
  • Focused on Marketing-publicizing taking into account purchasers’ characteristics. Illustration: Facebook promotions in light of hunt history.


We talked about the directions concerning advertising which you need to tolerate amid your promoting effort. At that point there is the treat law which obliges site to request that the client look for authorization before planting treats. At last we did an action on how online networking can be utilized to advance a business: Workshop on Social Media for Business




Week 11-18

Week 12-18

Between week 12 and 18 , my group of four indivudials and I four individuals met up to take a shot at an ITX 1000 task. This anticipate required the utilization of coding and outlining for the Arduino. The Coding would be done on a product called Ardunio. There were two sections to the planning. The outlining of the container in which the Ardunio equipment would be set and the planning of the Ardunio circuit through a product called Fritzing.

For the principal week of this anticipate Week 12 – we had a “play around” with the Ardunio programming in which we learnt how to utilize the Blink code for the LED’s. The examples in the Ardunio programming helped in building up the whole code. We went home that week and we chose to search for different codes online to help us comprehend alternate parts that we were given. We had short video brings in where we traded codes to see the outcome.

Week 13 – We learnt on the diverse parts of the circuit, for example, what voltage to keep the LED’s for our security, why there were number to every opening, which wires would should be associated with the ground, and so on. Three individuals from my gathering began to take a shot at the coding with the Ardunio programming and equipment. The other two individuals from the gathering were experiencing the Fritzing programming and utilized Youtube instructional exercises to guide us how to utilize that. Amid the class we were demonstrated to utilize a couple codes by a senior. The senior demonstrated to us generally accepted methods to spot botches before executing/transfer the coding into the Ardunio circuit

Week 14 – We all immediately recommended thoughts for the outline of the crate. This took around 30 minutes to choose. Once chose, one individual from the gathering was given charge of the outlining of the case. This required the individual to know the edge of the incline to have the capacity to figure the velocity of the can that would be moved down close to the end of the venture. The velocity of the can was vital as with that information we expected to put the postponement time for the signal and LED once the ultra sonic sensor identified the can. We additionally talked about on the Fritzing programming and we likewise offered somebody to be responsible for this. Over the few days we got together and helped each other in the planning the case and the slant. The Fritzing was examined about which segments were required. So one individual was in control outlining of the crate, the other was accountable for the Fritzing. We additionally required somebody to keep records of how we functioned and what we took a shot at for the last video that should displayed toward the end of the Project. This was given to one of the gathering individuals as he was great with cameras and videoing. The other two individuals from the gathering chipped away at the coding and the equipment of the Ardunio.

Week 15 – This was the last week for accommodation. We set up all the codes together and initially looked at if the codes functioned admirably with the jars. We had little issues on the counter to begin working. We attempted to make sense of what wasn’t right in the codes as it was not including the quantity of jars that experienced the incline. We utilized Google to discover the solutions for our issues. The Ardunio site was the main site that helped us the most all through the undertaking. The Youtube instructional exercises helped us in the outlining the Fritizing and the collecting of the codes into the Ardunio circuit.

Week 16 to 18 – In these weeks we took a shot at the altering of the video and the coding of the Ardunio. To improve it we included coding’s for a signature tune that identified with the configuration of the case.

Here is the link to our Arduino Project :


Week 10

Week 10

This week was just a continuation of “Accessibility”. To begin with we investigated the a screen reader program. The software aids people who suffer with visual impairments  to still be able to utilize a PC. Screen readers works with the PC Operating System to give data about symbols, menus, documents etc.. The screen reader would  process the data on screen and produce this as speech , as the user would most likely be wearing headphone he/she would still be able to make use of a PC effectively. This software supports users with any sort of disability which I think is amazing. The very same software can also make an interpretation of the data into Braille, but specific components such as Refreshable Braille display is required for this make use of this .


Week 7 – 8 Aurasma (Augmented reality)

                                                                                                                                                                                This was by far the best class till date.We were introduced to “Aurasma” this is a software which allows new and exciting interaction simply by scanning normal everyday logos,object and images which turns them into these amazing experiences of augmented reality . Aurasma is available to use for free and the capabilities are only bound by your creativity, but what  I also found quite interesting with a little bit of research was that it was also developed into an android application.

It so simple and easy to make , it can be done in 3 steps:

  1. Choose trigger image ( This is any Image you want mine was the “Mona Lisa” )
  2. Create overlay ( This would usually be any short clip/video).I used this funny video I found on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jC5ldKPwr8c                             Some adjustment must also be made to make sure your overlay fits on trigger image.
  3.  Finalize Aura by adding file name , press save and scan with phone application.


Week 9

This weeks lecturer was about Accessibility, and how it is essential to learn how to control and manipulate a PC interface. There was various resources widely accessible on Unihub to explore more on this topic. We likewise examine about how to make a persona, which fundamentally is a portrayal any such person and  outlines their basic knowledge on specific technological innovations. We used a very interesting software that day , it was called Visual Impairment Simulator. It basically shows us how a person with an eye disability would look at a computer screen.



Week 6

A Virtual World is a PC based online recreation of this present reality intended for clients to associate with different symbols with different clients and make a symbol for themselves. Symbols are graphically rendered utilizing PC design imaging (CGI) or some other rendering innovation. People control their symbols utilizing information gadgets like the console, mouse and other extraordinarily outlined summon and re-enactment devices.

We played around with DoppelMe to make Avatars of yourself  (http://doppelme.com/ )

